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Giuseppe Lomiento

In his research, Giuseppe Lomiento is committed to enhancing structural performance through the development of new technologies.  He focuses on vibration control of structures subjected to earthquakes, experimental testing of reinforced structures, infrastructure monitoring, and development of new materials. Recent work includes NSF funded work towards commercialization of new architected materials for seismic isolation technology. The new materials would be laid down like a mat under a building and allow the building to sway calmly, relative to traditionally-built structures, with the movements of an earthquake. He is interested in new collaboration opportunities, aimed at promoting innovation in structural engineering practices.

Recent Grants and Fellowships:

  • Caltrans ID No 2882 Research Project: “Modeling of friction concave isolators’ performance based on updated testing protocols”, with Dr. Gianmario Benzoni (Structural Engineering, UC San Diego). Awarded amount: $ 308,332,
  • NSF Award Abstract #1721975, SBIR Phase I: MetaMaterial for Seismic Energy Absorption, with Dr. Noemi Bonessio (MetaSeismci). Awarded Amount: $225,000.00.

Selected Publications:


M.S., Structural Engineering

Ph.D., Civil Engineering; Sapienza Università di Roma


English, Italian and Spanish (intermediate)

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