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Rakesh Mogul

Areas of Research: Spacecraft Microbiology & Biochemistry, Soil Microbiology & Biochemistry, Lipoxygenase Kinetics, Detection of Biometabolites using Lanthanide Complexes, Biophysical Characterization of Cold Plasma Exposures


The Mogul laboratory conducts research in molecular microbiology and enzymology, with a focus on the biochemistry of survival in extreme environments. The lab primarily works with microorganisms and microbial communities found in spacecraft assembly facilities, ancient permafrost and desert soils. The goal is to understand and characterize the enzymes and metabolic features that support survival under extreme conditions, including oligotrophic low-temperature and arid environments.  In their work, they use a multi-disciplinary approach including microbiology, proteomics, metabolomics, protein purifications, enzyme assays, chemical kinetics, lanthanide chelation chemistry, and bioinformatics.


Rakesh Mogul also has experience in federal and international space policy analysis development, and implementation with specific regards to Planetary Protection. Planetary protection involves the practice of (a) minimizing the biological contamination of extraterrestrial environments (such as Mars and Europa) that may result from spacecraft exploration and (b) preventing the introduction of biological and chemical agents into Earth’s biosphere as a result of materials and spacecraft that are brought back to Earth.

Recent Grants and Fellowships:

  • NASA, Astrobiology-Minority Institute Research Support Fellowship, $25,000, 2016
  • NASA, “Spaceward Bound: Mojave, $79,150 California State University, Math and Science Teacher Initiative,” 2010-2015
  • Planetary Protection: Policy Development, Implementation Issues, and Societal Concerns, NASA Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES), $58,000, 2012
  • Planetary Protection: Policy Development, Implementation Issues, and Societal Concerns, NASA Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES), $112,000, 2011
  • NASA Astrobiology Institute, Minority Institute Research Support Sabbatical Fellowship, $35,500, 2009
  • NASA, “NASA LIFT OFF: NASA Learning Inspires Fundamental Transformations by Opening Future Frontiers for High School Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education,’ NASA K12 Grants Opportunity, Co-Investigator, $1,409,903, 2009

Selected Publications:



B.S., Chemistry, University of Redlands

Ph.D., Organic Chemistry (Biophysical Chemistry Emphasis), University of California, Davis

Post-doctorate, Metalloenzyme Kinetics & Spectroscopy, University of California, Santa Cruz


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